Letting Loose
wind lets loose a fury
lashes up heavy cloud froth
so thick the sun can’t pry through
chimes belt on ear drums
jangles dingle and twang
clangs press in on all sides
by afternoon, a slit in the sky opens
stratus puffs race east
cumulous mountains wallow west
trees roar their discontent
the wind blows, ceaseless
branches snap and crash
in a clash of hot and cold fronts
Russia invades Ukraine, shooting
winds scour the globe
She’s the kind of woman who…
plays classical music and hymns
the walls of the trailer / shake
her husband and two kids retreat
organ notes.. float… from her finger tips
feet / pump / on pedals // under the bench
she jogs in place // where metal meets wood
where another would pound the floor
I stand /
transfixed /
surrender… to a cascade of scales
lift… on the swell of a sonata
ride… on a curl that flicks
whirl… on surround-sound
vibration in air…
motion rocks…
fingers / lift / off the keyboard /
shut / the score /
she stands tall…
glides… the double-wide…
music regal as footsteps…
divinity f..l..o..a..t..s
notes l..i..n..g..e..r
spectral as the echo of Beethoven…
the spell // laps // the metal walls
Date Published: April 1, 2022