Ingrid Bruck is wild flower gardener and a poet inspired by nature. She lives in Amish country in Pennsylvania. This site shocases selected works by her.

Spring Green-Published by: Poetry Hall, Issue 12,Vol 4,No 2 

Spring Green

It’s gray and cold. The two-lane road shrinks, a chartreuse roadside swells. Thin buds uncurl new membranes—tiny, soft, transparent. Leafy green life crowds the road. Growth of foliage hardens to dark forest. Leaves clap hands in the wind, shake a finger at a downpour.    

season change

a bouncing

teeter totter 

Date Published:  July 8, 2021

Amazon Books:

Amazon Books:

living - #FemkuMag, Issue 30

the moon - Published by: Cold Moon Journal