Poems by: Ingrid Bruck

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Preop with Allen Ginsberg & Blight - Verse-Virtual Volume 8 No. 5 (May 2021)

Preop with Allen Ginsberg

horse and train 

on a collision course 

art stops time



erasing a motorcycle

notice what you notice




bare tree top

stark yellow bottom 

observe what’s vivid



wind swirls 

red electric leaves 

surprise mind


doctor orders 

double knee replacement

catch yourself thinking

(Lines in italics are quotes from Allen Ginsberg’s Mind Writing Slogans)



in the nightmare

the soil, rain soaked,

digging potatoes with a pitchfork 

i pierce a toad’s burrow

invade a mouse’s cave

up-earth muck that reeks

a vulture's shadow 

bigger than human

flicks over the garden  

riot police tear-gas protestors

a mob of haters with raised-fists

force open the Whitehouse door

another shooting at a march 

for Black Lives Matter 

George Floyd suffocates again

we can’t breathe

COVID feasts

even hardy geraniums rot in standing water



Date Published: May 1, 2021