Ingrid Bruck is wild flower gardener and a poet inspired by nature. She lives in Amish country in Pennsylvania. This site shocases selected works by her.

Blind Ghosts- Published by: Poetry Hall, Issue 8

Blind Ghosts

The blind ghosts hunt us down by the smell of our fear and the noise our feet make running away. They pursue the sound of kicked gravel, the bump and scrape against a tree, the crackling of leaves underfoot. Would we could be as a flower rooted in soil. Wild winds bend us but don’t pull us out. On a rain-stormy day, bright orange petals remember the heat of summer. When sun shines again, we exhale a sweet content that attracts bees and butterflies to ornament the day.  When we walk in silence of a flower, we hear birdsong, peepers and raindrops that strum the strings of a merry song. Everywhere flowers, blind ghosts can’t follow.

Dare Published: July 27, 2020

speaking in tongues & my broken face - Published by: Failed Haiku, Issue 56

Many Legs - Published by Mike Maggio, COVID-19 Project