Ingrid Bruck is wild flower gardener and a poet inspired by nature. She lives in Amish country in Pennsylvania. This site shocases selected works by her.

Eminent Domain- Published By: Not A Silent Poet

Eminent Domain 


Look obscene.

Look crude and raw.

Look scars the countryside.

Third finger raised,

obscenities rain inside the car

on invading muscled white men

in large earth movers.

They work six days a week,

try to beat winter, lose.

We travel north on River Road,

pass a slashed farm

missing a six highway swath

of cow pasture,

turn left on Martic Road,

two lanes slow to one again,

more orange roadside signs

for the pipeline assault us.

The country road criss crosses

two more Amish farms

subdivided by construction,

corn fields, hayfields,

woods gouged out,

the land blinded

as the gas line marches east

confiscating land

in Pennsylvania.



Date Published:  2/9/18


Sun blinded - Published by: Quatrain.Fish

Maxatawny, Pennsylvania - Published by: Quatrain.Fish