Blackout 2010 - Published by: Free Lit Magazine, The Seasons Issue, Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2018, Page 16
Blackout 2010
Dark clamps shut like a bear trap on the east coast.
I can’t see my feet
or hands in front of my face
before moonrise in this blackout.
Like water in a sinking ship,
black fills up Stella Maris House,
I feel my way out
the back door.
I can’t see the ocean
drumming the ground,
the house shakes,
my body quakes.
A lone sentry on the shore,
I’m blind under a feast of stars
without a moon,
I look north towards the city
I can’t see
New York City.
nothing’s there.
The dark
empties me.
Date Published: November 1, 2018