Voice the Forbidden - Published by: I Am Not A Silent Poet
Voice the Forbidden
White entitlement hides behind its walled enclave,
strikes people of color with hate,
clobbers the others in the name of business interests.
These self interest promoters
confiscate money, education and property
with each seizure of state park land for development,
every new well drilled in the Arctic,
the lessening of medical care for the masses.
Men build a blockade around their fortress,
tout the trickle down of greater good,
grow personal wealth
though profits run dry at the top layer.
In the pursuit of business,
they reject evidence-based research
revealing harm to the planet.
In the pursuit of business,
they prohibit science-based research
exposing hurt to people.
Rich white men cringe at the word entitlement,
a slur, the word assaults their honor,
slaps them with contempt.
It’s the middle word on a list
of seven forbidden words
issued to CDC by the Trump Administration,
words government employees are forbidden to use
to mitigate collateral damage to our leaders.
People of color are the enemy,
this vulnerable majority
increases in number everyday.
White men fear becoming an endangered species,
outnumbered as they are by people of color,
intimidated by the diversity and vigor introduced.
Any one other is a threat to the white elite.
No one outside the inner circle is safe,
the diminished middle class gets sacrificed
to make the rich richer.
Whites, in fear of their shrinking numbers,
build a higher barricade and threaten,
“Keep out of Wall Street.”
Those inside the fortress want all the money.
The barrier wobbles,
the masses call for bread, medicine, clothes
a roof overhead.
Pity the transgender outside.
Pity the fetus born into this maelstrom.
A mob in the streets calls for heads.
Date Published: 1/13/18