Who Killed the Honeybees? - Published by: Plum Tree Tavern
Who Killed the Honeybees?
grass no longer hums
flowers don’t buzz
and you stop looking down
when you walk barefoot in clover
the sting of silence
each third mouthful of food
depends on bees for pollination,
they sustain the food chain
and are dying
the sting of silence
when bees starve for lack of flowers
or get lost going home and vanish,
when thirty countries ban American food
and GMOs enter our DNA
the sting of silence
when bees rain down in a parking lot at Walmart,
red wing blackbirds fall from the sky on highways,
and a million fish die in the Arkansas River,
when captive dolphins and whales turn killers
the sting of silence
half the world’s animals have perished since the 70s,
six gulls in a flock, instead of wheeling hundreds,
when only one Monarch visits your garden in a year
and few bats rake insects on the currents of night
the sting of silence
oceans turn to deserts, fishermen left jobless,
acid rain drains life out of lakes and rivers.
only a quarter of the frogs are left
to croak a night song of coming death
kill-offs, die-offs, honeybees vanished
the sting
Date Published: May 24, 2016